Linux is one of the computer operating system derived from UNIX. Like the UNIX derivative operating system that was also another linux is open source. This means that the operating system and Linux applications in an open and distributed siapapum and mengenbangkan may use its own Linux operating system licensed under GPL (Gnu Piblic License) that can be obtained for free on the internet. although free, but its features and applications of pounds paid equally by bahakan some oreng say that the linux operating system is more sophisticated, comprehensive, and easy to use. linux operating system has so many variants, is due to the open source operating system. even various liux's operating system in the world right now in the thousands. but kebannnnyakan used the Linux operating system is already diterjenal community. like other linux operating systems were also designed for various purposes. linux has advantages such as driver autoinstal will ease. aplikasinyapun very complete preformance deafault conditions, in addition to the linux community has been known to be sturdy fortress themselves against the virus.
Why linux resistant to the virus?
Virus resistant linux because linux is someone UNIX operating system known families koko \ h against the virus. because it is basically a linux / UNIX has multti system user. that every computer user to use linux paswoerd berbea and owner password which is capable of changing the composition of the system. Whether the virus is able to change the system? Can not, because the virus does not know the password to change the order of the system to create a system malfunction. Therefore linux users seldom complain because the virus.
Excellence Linux :
Linux has the advantage in almost all areas of Start of the ease, efficiency, up to the sophistication of the system which was never owned by opersi llain yanh system. These advantages linux:
a. Linux easy to use
Created the first Linux operating system is still using the CUI (caracter user) but the day ooperasi linux system designed for the easy to use both a friendly appearance and arrangement of menus that are easy to learn both for beginners though. Banyaak also made with the linux operating system interface is a adaptation to the operating system commonly used by the public at large. is not it so that users who want move from other operating systems to Linux does not require a long time to learn linux.
b. Its free distribution
Explained above that the system is free operation linux. For both operating systems and applications. this makes the user free to use the application and the appropriate choice of linux distro. and this is also the general public's does not have sufficient budget will be able to use applications that are of quality has become a middle-class applications. Or even the application of high-grade (high end), which generally have a paid or shareware license and is only used by the agency or the multimedia industry.
c. Strong against the virus
Explained above that linux is an operating system that has very high security system against viruses. and this became his own appeal for the people yan does require resistance to the virus. although there are viruses that can enter the linux system the virus will not spread to a system to another if the virus can not cause damage to the system.
d. Applications are numerous and widespread
Linux applications have an application that is very very much. on the net amount in the hundreds of thousands of Linux applications, and even more. other than that the ability of applications on Linux is also very good. the converter application system that allows Linux applications to different families or groups can convert its format so it can be installed on our linux. many linux applications can be viewed from any linux family has its own application format even some distros have their own application format.
e. Very rapid development of innovation
In general, linux operating system that is easy and very fast growing its development. it is influenced by the nature of open source licenses, so that many people around the world who have the ability progaming always create the latest breakthrough in technology or the latest software and software that would fix the flaws in the last version. its so very fast Linux operating system on its development of other operating systems. Even if calculated in a period so nearly every day around the world there is always the latest system developments in both the operating system and application systems, for example, a particular version of a distro in a few months was out the latest version of the system compared with other operation then we would have very much difference.
f. Free to modify the operating system and application system
Because it is open source so anyone has the right to modify the program for personal or for commercial purposes. means anyone who has programming skills can create derivative works from all proam linux. and this causes a very rapid development of innovation. it also makes the ease of programming is quite easy to use application to edit or create the application system or operating system.
g. Extensive hardware compatible
Although the hardware makers rarely make drivers for linux but linux on its base the capability to have the hardware that it is caused by the vast number of Linux volunteers around the world who helped create the driver for linux and linux fact of the opinion that new consumers entering the world of linux said that when installing the linux operating system linux has claimed that widespread access to compatible hardware.
h. Installing a Linux OS that is easy and instant
Linux has the ease of installing it into the OS-storage devices like hard disk, usb, etc.. because a lot of linux distributions, then the way the install was also slightly different. Although different, but almost all linux has an ease. because a lot of linux can be run directly from CD without installing to hard drive first. This means that Linux can be installed using a GUI (grafic user interface) directly from the desktop and just as easy as drag and drop it.
i. Adjust computer sepesifikasi
Linux has various distributions and every distro has a different standard specifications. However, many people thought that Linux requires a fast processor and ram are great. Although this is true, but it was only linux distro that is designed to work on high specification. Though there are many linux can work on low specification even today there is a mini-distro that can operate under very low specifications. Damn small linux is one that has a linux desktop and applications are able to complete enough work on the specs below pentium 100 mhz processor and at least 24 mb ram.
j. There is a mini distro (linux is light and small install file)
Mini is a linux distro that umumya used for low-specification computers and the advantage is to have a small installer file so it is easy to download. mini distro is now also beginning to be used for a computer with specs that are generally quite high, this is because the mini distro has more ease and able to work very very quickly on a computer that has the specs are otherwise the mini distro has particularly created to be portable so that a more compatible .
k. System is very stable
Linux systems have a high stability. When booting linux first thing that was done by the system is a hardware device to adjust the system to work optimally. besides a very important example of the stability of the system when linux is someone off by cut or when the system is working all of a sudden death. when booting the operating system then most of the others would do the rearrangement of files, folders, and hard drive syatem. However, if too often do not fit procedure poweroff the system would be any damage or loss of the filesystem. But in linux it would not be a problem because linux is designed to perform automatic reordering system.
l. In accordance with the requirements
The number distributions of various kinds has spawned hundreds if not thousands of different linux distros start of the segment, function, and different advantages. then this makes linux as needed for all the different professions.
The number distributions of various kinds has spawned hundreds if not thousands of different linux distros start of the segment, function, and different advantages. then this makes linux as needed for all the different professions.
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